Watch: Walk of shame for 'tuyo' thief

By on 9:34 PM

A man caught stealing dried fish in Tanauan, Batangas was made to take a walk of shame all around the public market, bearing a sign that says "Ako'y magnanakaw. 'Wag akong tularan."In a report from a Bayan Patroller who shared the video from the Facebook page of Tanauan City's Hope, members of Tanauan's civil security unit can be seen taping and stapling the sign on the man's front shirt.

The man was made to walk around the public market with his hands tied behind him and a plastic bag of dried fish tied to his wrists. He was also ordered to walk up and apologize to the dried fish vendor that he victimized. Afterwards, the man was made to walk again and shout that he is a thief.

Tanauan Mayor Thony Halili told Bayan Mo Ipatrol Mo (BMPM) in a phone interview that he ordered such actions to be taken against the suspect. He said the man is part of a syndicate and has previous cases filed in court involving illegal drugs and theft.
The Commission of Human Rights (CHR), however, says these actions may have violated the rights of the suspect.